Resin Figure Asuka Langley
Single Boy!! Single Boy!! Single All the Way!!
Online Games!!! Mastubate !!!
We Go All the Way !! Hey!!
Single Boy!! Single Boy!!
Why can't you we be Gay??
No more wait, No more ate , Let us all be Gay!!
( So funny lyric I saw in Facebook for Jingle Bell)
Was rather aimless on Christmas night, was sleeping the whole day and turns out that I was sleepless after at night with a few boost of caffeine drinks. Eyes were brilliantly wide open and the sounds of the clock can be heard 'tick tocking' away..... Just done snapfitted another 144 kit and really not in the mood to do another plastic kit to past the wee hours.
Then there she is lying silently in her box, silently whispering, calling out my name.
The GK resin kit from a recast from a PVC figure, Asuka Langley sculpture by Shunya Yamashita. It had been a long time I had admired Yamashita sculpts. He brings out the sexi-ness of a animated girl in a mysterious way ...the face emotion the curves are just perfect.
After a few hours of pinning with 0.8mm brass rod.
Pic1 : Pinning of the legs. The Still some small gaps. Notice the talcum powder ? I used it as a filling for the gaps. Squeez in some superglue and then wipe on some talcum powder.
Pic2 : Temporarily pinning of the head and hair. Pic3 to 5 view from different angle